National News

300 families drilled in child protection

Malawi Girl Guides Association (Magga) has trained over 300 families in child protection initiatives in Traditional Authority (T/A) Kachindamoto in Dedza District.

Through Parent Child Communication project, Magga started the project in 2021 with 10 facilitators in three zones whose number has increased to 40.

In an interview on Sunday, the project’s facilitator Doreen Square said many parents and guardians now understand the dangers of forcing children into early marriages.

Ndhlovu: They are doing well

“Research has shown that many children do not proceed with their education due to poor communication with their parents, resulting in early marriages. This is the reason Magga brought this initiative,” she said.

One of the survivors of forced marriages from T/A Kachindamoto, [name withheld] explained how she was saved from marriage while in Standard Five.

“My parents forced me to get married while I was in Standard Five. But thanks to Magga for saving and sending me back to school,” she said.

Magga chief commissioner Gertrude Binali Ndhlovu said their organisation was working with partners to keep girls in school.

“Many girls are returning to school and they are doing well,” she said.

Group village head Chikololere said he will ensure that they rescue more girls from marriages.

“Relatives used to force girls into marriages when they got pregnant. We also established by-laws to keep children in school,” he said.

Apart from the project and safe-space, Magga, with  support from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is also implementing the UN-Joint Programme on Girls’ Education (UNJPGE), in Dedza, Mangochi and Salima.

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