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On illicit use of Viagra

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The use of viagra is becoming popular among youths and older men as a way of boosting performance between the sheets. In the recent past, there have been reports in the media about men who suffered serious side effects like fainting and even loss of life following recreational use of this drug. These reports are a manifestation of an emerging public health problem on illicit use of this drug and other counterfeits available on the market in the country.

Viagra is a trade name for a drug called Sildenafil which is used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in males. Erectile dysfunction or impotence is the inability to get and sustain satisfactory erection. In simple terms, the drug works by increasing blood flow to the male organs thereby improving erectile function and sexual satisfaction.

Unfortunately, some men abuse it with the belief that it improves libido, sexual performance or increases the size of male organs. In some circles, the drug is commonly known as the ‘Blue Pill’, ‘Blue Diamond’ or ‘Magic Pill’.

Currently, there is lack of data on the extent of Sildenafil consumption in the country. However, researchers in other countries have managed to establish the pattern of its use among different age groups.

For instance, Bechara, et al (2010) evaluated the use of this drug or related products among young men in high schools, universities and those who patronised gyms in Argentina. The findings showed that 21.5 percent of healthy men aged between 18 and 30 used this drug in association with alcohol or other drugs without medical control.

Locally, Sildenafil is registered by Malawi Pharmacy, Medicines and Poisons Board as prescription only medicine (POM) because of its effects. This means that the drug can be accessed and used only when prescribed by a medical practitioner. The side effects include headache, flushing, heartburn, nasal congestion and impaired vision. Serious adverse effects include priapism (sustained erection), severe drop in blood pressure, heart attack resulting from inadequate blood supply to the heart muscles, abnormal heart rhythm and sudden hearing loss.

Sildenafil also interacts with other drugs. For example, some antiretroviral drugs, erythromycin, ketoconazole and cimetidine inhibit the breakdown of Sildenafil and this prolongs blood levels of the drug. The effect of this interaction worsens severity of the side effects. Apart from that, simultaneous use of the drug and some antihypertensives like Propranalol lowers blood pressure, leading to inadequate blood supply to the body’s vital organs including the heart. Its use is, therefore, contraindicated in men taking medication that interact with it, in men with diseases affecting the heart, blood vessels, liver, kidneys and some disorders of the eyes.

The tendency of buying this drug from illegal ‘briefcase’ drug dealers just for recreational use is very dangerous in view of the serious effects that may arise. Men with erectile dysfunction are strongly advised to consult a medical practitioner for the problem and get the right prescription to avoid the serious side effects. Normally, the medical practitioner collects thorough history from any man who complains of erectile dysfunction and conducts physical assessment before prescribing the drug.

Men should also understand that there are several treatment options for erectile dysfunction depending on the cause of the problem. Based on the assessment, other options for treatment may include counselling and stress management exercises in case of psychological problems. If the problem arises as an effect of medication, then the medical practitioner prescribes an alternative to that medication. For those that experience the problem due to diseases like diabetes, effective measures in addressing the problem include diet modification, medication and exercises.

Health authorities and relevant stakeholders should consider recreational use of viagra as an emerging public health problem in the country.

The misinformation on the use of the drug coupled with increased access to pornographic material may contribute to high dependency on these pills. It is imperative that the authorities increase public awareness on side effects of the drug and counterfeit products. The sale of this drug from pharmacies should also be closely monitored to prevent non-prescription use.

The author is a lecturer in medical and surgical nursing at Kamuzu College of Nursing.

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