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One lady narrated how problematic a woman can be, with emphasis on ‘not all’. She was on air on one radio station telling the story of the Bible’s Samson and Delilah—how she betrayed him. Delilah reportedly ‘sold’ off Samson to his enemies, the Philistines who paid her to reveal the source of his strength. The Philistines apparently sought Samson for his role in humiliating the Philistines during their battle with the Israelites. Delilah became their plausible link and with an inducement, she agreed to hatch their plan. Samson, intoxicated with love for his beautiful Delilah, revealed after persuasion, the source of his strength to be his long hair which he said had not been cut since birth on instructions from God. The Philistines later ambushed his home, took Samson and cut off his hair. That would be the beginning of Samson’s sorrows and eventually death.

In her narration, the woman referred to Delilah as treacherous and cunning, bent on destroying rather than building on the love she found. She demonised Delilah as having been trouble from the beginning, typical of gold diggers whose intentions she said are to wreak havoc in the lives of their partners.

I listened to her interpretation with awe and to a certain extent, agreed with her observation. We still have Delilahs in this age whose mission is to corner men into mostly marriages just so they have a meal ticket and a roof over their heads. They are diabolical in their ways, careless about the exchange of emotions and the word love is nothing, but an overused metaphor used as a conduit to con unsuspecting lover seekers. Woman is manipulative, sleek and luring as a prey to its bait. She knows when to strike and exactly how to exert her poison in seducing her victim into submission. She might have been tricked by the snake in the Garden of Eden, but her experience worked out in her favour and she has now become more lurking than the creature.

Some men have become prisoners of love by bullies and control freaks in form of wives or partners. They are literally puppeteers of orders on who to befriend, talk to, what to wear, how to talk to the children, surrender their payslips or sleep on the couch for lack of submissiveness. Their role as wives or helpers has turned hostile and constitutes more than just nagging.

To answer the question whether a woman is trouble. Yes. She is and uses her modest to get her way. She has created fear in the name of love just so she can put man on track to get what she wants. She gets sympathy at will, praise when she desires, honour unwarranted, enchantment at her call and reward undeserved. She just has to programme it. She will marry whoever she chooses or wants, if not marriage, she will have your child to hound you with, if not, she will befriend your mother and do the nicest of things so she can speak for her. If none of these, she will seduce your banker to track your expenditures. At the worst, she will bewitch you with the strongest muti, even if it means feeding you with your own body parts.

The woman’s take home message was that we be on guard over such women. Love should grow and nurture without force or exaggerated emphasis. It will come to everyone who waits on it, not chasing after it. Above all, it should not betray.

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