
God’s precious creation 2

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The second article – especially dedicated to all women!  In this article, I would like to affirm the woman in you!

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men (Colossians 3:23).

One thing that no one can take away from you is that you are a woman. There is reason why you are a woman. You are an incubator (things grow inside you – even life). Never allow material things (car, house etc) define who you are. As a woman, you arrived later, you were not made late. The devil uses fear to paralyze you. Never ever entertain fear in your life. Fear breeds more fear, making you to focus on people who have failed before you, so you can be like them.

Fear immobilises you or causes you to be inactive, making you stay in the same place for long. You forever cry about your spouse who passed on a long time ago. Fear steals your joy, destroys your potential and weakens your influence. Fear will make you live in the shadow of giants and never become one yourself.

Don’t be intimidated by any one. Prosperity is yours. Don’t allow generational poverty in your life. You are not “just” a woman; you are a woman of a Great God.

There is no time to cry.  Fight and work hard in your business, studies, career etc. You should hate poverty with passion. Don’t be happy when you lack. Believe that God has destined you to go far.

Fear weakens you.  When you choose friends choose people who are giants in faith. Do not choose people who will cause you to compromise God and holiness. Some of you fail because your friends are failures.

You will never long for the best if you don’t think the best. Be strong in your image.  A place of a woman is no longer just ‘in the kitchen’ – take charge!!

An inferior woman doesn’t believe even if she is encouraged or told she can make it. She makes excuses thinking “it is meant for others”.

You are a woman with a potential of being great and God’s own powerhouse.

O Virtuous woman, may you be affirmed by God in all that you do!

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