If I were

Grezelder Jeffrey

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Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) secretary general (SG), I would not spend my energy castigating Vice-President Saulos Chilima and his United Transformation Movement (UTM) at political rallies like I did in Karonga recently.

At this crucial time when the country is on the countdown to next year’s tripartite elections, I would have realised that the electorate is interested to hear developmental plans that my party has lined up for them and not kumangolubwalubwa.

If I were Jeffrey, I would also realise that days of politics of castigation are gone. It is sad that as the CEO of the whole governing party, I have time to castigate others.

Oh yes, if I were Jeffrey wa Jeffrey, I would realise that my outbursts during party rallies portray a picture of a politician who is clueless on what she is supposed to say and not to.

How I wish I were the DPP SG as I would realise that this is the time to convince the electorate on why my party should be retained power come next year.

I would, if I were Jeffrey, concentrate on issues such as what is my government doing to end power outages than tearing into political opponents.

Unfortunately, I am not one Grezelder Jeffrey.


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