
Don’t trust those know-it-alls

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Have you ever been in distress and ran out of ideas on what to do? Have you ever had a pool of people surrounding you and offering all sorts of possible solutions to your problem? And because you are seemingly stranded, ignoring any one of them seems to be wrong?

I have several scenarios in mind. Recently, my car keys vanished. I do not want to say I lost the keys because nobody just loses a bunch of two keys and a big key holder without anyone coming across them one way of the other, especially more than three months down the line. They simply vanished from a table at a gym and the spare key at home would not start the car. Naturally, people noticed my distress and listened. Upon listening, bright ideas flocked and before long, the only remaining key was bashed left, right and centre with non-workable solutions. It is a long story, but eventually, the plausible solution was to simply programme the spare key and I was good to go. Meanwhile, the bunch of know-it-alls solutions were damaging.

A lady’s car broke down and naturally, the men problem solvers were on the scene. In spite of her explaining what she observed, many decided to overrule her on the basis of a lack of knowledge on vehicles. Solutions flooded with many accusing her of not checking her water levels and caused the car to over boil. They dressed her down like an idiot until others concurred with her later on upon inspection. It was not temperature. It was something more.

And all along the way from her breakdown point, people offered to help. My point is, many who rush with bright ideas, including those onlookers do not even know what they are doing or talking about. Never fall for their seemingly good will and knowledge. I learnt it the hard way and am sure many others have. Everybody wants to know it all and experiment on other people’s problems. Do not take the chance. This does not end at things lost or breakdowns. Even that advice from those we believe to be friends or trusted people. They can mislead and cause us regrets later.

In short, be careful who you trust your lives, relationships, property, family and secrets with. Not every nice person has our best interests at heart. There are many wolves in sheep’s clothing. Select carefully and remain focused.

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