
Power of positive manifestation

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Since I was a little girl, my mother always loved to tell me and my siblings’ one statement that I still carry with me till this day: “Be careful what you say because the devil hears and can use it against you.”

I have grown up believing in the power of manifestation. I still firmly believe in the power of manifestation. I believe the word ‘manifestation’ means to create something or turn something from an idea into a reality. And I think this can be done by using our thoughts, feelings and beliefs to turn something into reality.

According to clinical psychologist and positive psychology expert Carla Manly, manifestation is “the act or process of taking something hoped for and bringing it to life. In other words, manifestation is the art of bringing a dream or goal into a state of being real.”

One way I practise the power of manifestation is through positive affirmations. We could look at affirmations as statements that affirm something to be true. According to an article written by HeadWay Clinic, titled ‘Four Benefits of Positive Affirmations’, positive affirmations are specific statements which help you overcome negative thoughts. “Affirmations are phrases that you repeat to yourself to change your sub-conscious thoughts. Over time, they replace any negative beliefs or thoughts with positive thoughts. This instils confidence, positivity and ambition,” reads the article.

When my mother told us to be careful of what we said, I think she was teaching us the importance of putting out good energy, thoughts and positivity into the world for our benefit and self-development. By speaking or declaring something negative mentally, we are bringing ourselves down. But also spiritually, we are not portraying resilience and faith. For example, saying things such as: “I don’t think I will get that job” or “I’m not smart enough to complete this” are all negative affirmations.

There are endless benefits of positive affirmations and they have helped a lot of people, including myself, in achieving great things, but most importantly, in making positive changes. Positive affirmations are helpful in motivating you, in changing your negative thinking patterns and behaviours, as well as enforcing your faith or belief system. Even though manifesting is about turning your dreams into reality, it requires you to take proactive steps towards achieving whatever you desire.

There is an app I installed on my phone called ‘I am’. Every day, at 10 different times, the app sends a mixture of positive affirmations and positive Bible verses to my home screen. One of my two favourite affirmations are, “I believe I can have unlimited happiness and success in my life”, and  Romans 8:31 which says: “If God is for us, who can be against us? We are more than conquerors through Him who loves us”.

I decided to start reciting and reflecting on positive affirmations four months ago and ever since, I have been highly motivated. My personal faith has increased massively which as a result, has pushed me to work and achieve a lot more things. So try it out and watch good things unfold before your eyes. 

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