Musings on Corruption

Road to 2025 in shadows

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The coming elections year, 2025, appeared a distant future. In politics, however, incumbents’ wish is to have a 36-hour day while those waiting in the wings for a shot at political office wished we counted day and night as two days. The reality we now have is that 2025 is just next year. Consequently and suddenly, time is not on politicians’ side. The ordinary folk must brace themselves for maneuvering of shadow and incumbent members of Parliament (MPs).

Shadowing is already in full swing. The sight of vehicles and/or ambulances bearing names of those shadowing has suddenly become a common sight. Incumbents have also intensified their game of ‘serving’ their constituents. It is that season again when, if you wanted, you could be wearing a different T-shirt every day. Or, if you wished to fundraise for a cause, all you needed was to organise a mock wedding or choir festival and invite all shadows. They will surely outbid each other in donating to the cause and you will be smiling all the way to the bank.

There must be something juicy about being called olemekezeka. I guess in political circles the feeling is one of self-actualisation. To get there, timing is key. There must be sufficient time between the commencement of posturing for political office and election day, to convince the electorate that one is, by their personality, an altruistic being. The added function of timing is that it allows early birds to steal the march on their competitors. Sink a borehole earlier than your competitors or launch your sports bonanza earlier. Those starting their campaign late will find no place to sink their campaign borehole.

I am always quick to dismiss the existence of altruism. You only need to dig deeper to realise that there is always a motive. And for those shadowing, the motive is rather obvious. But when timing is right, it is easier to claim altruism. The strategy is to be the first to corrupt or capture the voter’s mind. That is key to gaining political office, which in turn, gives the political office holder access to what they truly wanted.

As shadows frequent our neighborhoods and our social gatherings, don’t be surprised. Elections are only next year and this is their season. Capturing and corrupting the minds of voters happens now. Some shadows have backers who are investing heavily in the hope of either gaining access to those in power or having power to pull the strings from behind the scenes post 2025. At stake is the country’s resource basket.

As for voters, the power they wield in ushering our MPs to political office remains theirs to take to the polling booth. They can decide to trade that power with a pot of soup like the biblical Esau or use it to elevate shadows who will truly represent them in the August House. In any case, let all shadows showcase what they have to offer. As for incumbents, let their work speak for them. Isn’t it ironical how all these shadows (and incumbents, of course) will be coming to us voters as our servants? Dare you call them servants after they win that parliamentary seat!  Lets enjoy the season of shadows.

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