
AU commission appoints Kavala expert member

The African Commission on Human and People’s Rights has appointed Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) commissioner Andrew Kavala to its working technical group on the rights of the older persons and persons with disabilities.

The commission announced yesterday on its website that Kavala will serve the five-member working group for two years and will be representing the southern Africa region.

Kavala: This is a
huge honour

The appointment of Kavala, who is Malawi Network of Older Persons’ Organisations (Manepo) executive director, was made at the end of the commission’s 80th Ordinary Session held virtually from July 24 to August 2 2024.

According to AU Commission, Kavala was appointed alongside Dr Alidjou Bamba of Ivory Coast to join Maitre Saddam Hussein Meddeber, Patrick Laurent Badugue and Rigbe Gebrehawaria Hagos whose mandates as expert members have been renewed.

Reacting to his appointment, Kavala said it was a game changer and “huge honour and opportunity not only to me, but the country and the region as a whole.”

“I will represent the entire southern Africa in this expert group. I am sure to build strategic synergies across the region towards the creation of an enabling environment for older persons and persons with disabilities,” he said.

Meanwhile, MHRC has extended congratulations to Kavala, saying his appointment is a testament to his dedication and expertise in promoting and protecting the rights of vulnerable groups.

In a statement, MHRC observed yesterday that the working group plays a critical role in advancing the rights of older persons and persons with disabilities on the African continent.

The working group was established in 2009 through Resolution 143 of the ACHPR and is composed of five experts representing five African regions taking into account the imperatives of linguistic and gender representation.

Among others, its mandate is to collect statistical data on older persons and persons with disabilities on the continent in particular their social economic rights.

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