
Are you an abusive wife?

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Typically, the picture we see in the media depicts women as abuse victims. Rarely do we come across the other side of the coin; that of women as abusers. This is probably because most men do not want to admit they are being abused as they will be viewed as being weak. Mwereti Kanjo sources this information from www on how men can fix their marriage with an abusive wife.

How to recognise an abusive woman:

lShe is the woman who never has a kind thing to say about anyone.

lThe woman who constantly belittles everything her husband does from how much money he makes, the way he dresses, to telling him how lazy he is.

l The woman that makes you pay if she does not get her way.

lThe woman who expects you to drop whatever you’re doing and attend to her needs right then.

lThe woman who will not look at you and will not speak to you for days.

lThe woman who loves chaos, who is always stirring up trouble.

lThe woman who throws a temper tantrum because her name is misspelled on a nametag at an event.

lThe woman who constantly tells her children they cannot do anything right.

lThe woman who does not give gifts to specific members of the family.

lThe woman who yells, curses, and screams instead of talking.

These women can trap their husband and children in the home of agony which they don’t know how to escape.

So, what can you do about this?

You can take charge right now and put a stop to these types of actions and behaviours. Easier said than done right? You can! You can do it!

First, realise that you are not crazy, know that you can do things right, understand you do make as much money as God wants you to be making. Be comfortable in the clothes you wear or update your wardrobe if you feel it necessary, stop your wife immediately when she begins to curse, yell or scream. Tell her to stop and stand there silently until she stops or walks away. Explain to her you cannot stop what you are doing-only if that’s the truth, to help her at that moment and when she will not speak to you ask her to sit down together and talk about the subject causing this issue.

Second, understand your wife has issues, probably issues of some type of abuse or abandonment from her childhood, and have the desire to help her break this cycle. Also realise your children will more than likely become abusers if you do not put a stop to it now.

Third, believe that you and/or your children do not deserve to be treated in that manner and take control of your life that she is creating havoc in. More than likely she wants your help. More than likely she does not know how to stop. More than likely she wants you to be in control and come across as a more manly type of man-not aggressive or abusive of course.

Fourth, educate yourself, knowledge is power! Be determined this is the type of wife you want to be with, then with your help, allow your wife to discover she can become this beautiful, loving, and caring person. Here is a secret: when your wife is happy, you are in control. When she is not happy, she is in control. Get it?

Fifth, educate your wife to discover how to become a beautiful, loving, and caring wife and mother.

Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness (self-control), longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do.

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