
The role of a husband to his wife and family – 2

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Every wife desires a husband who will be like Christ. A woman married to such type of a husband would outdo her husband in love and would not rebel. Christ- like husbands-are the answer to troubled, miserable and confused women.

The husband as the head enjoys only positional power and such power is limited. God gave it to the man so that he can direct the affairs of the family and be the head and leader in the relationship. However, in practice most husbands feel that real power in the home lies with the wife. If your wife has superior knowledge in certain areas, praise God for this and do what wise leaders do- delegate.

Most husbands feel uncomfortable with their wives when God has blessed them with special power in certain areas and will try to counter-balance the God- given power by using their positional power.

Marriage is not a one-person show, whereby only the husband should be seen to be doing things and achieving things or imposing himself on the wife with unbecoming behaviours in the name of headship and positional power. If a man or husband wants to enjoy the positional power, he must earn it by conducting himself in a Christ-like manner. Always thinking and prioritising his self-chosen wife and never do things that hurt and confuse her.

Husbands, learn this principle: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. You can only be a successful leader when your subordinates love, enjoy and appreciate you. Leadership is about putting the welfare of others at heart and never take them for granted. Remember, you can only be a successful leader when you have followers.

God bless you as you endeavour to put things in order.

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