National News

About 1000 Mzuni students face grim future

About 1000 needy students from Mzuzu University (Mzuni) face a grim future as they are unable to access their examination results for the to proceed to them next semester.

This follows the strict implementation of the tuition fees policy to ensure that the institution collects the money it is owed.

According to a memo issued on February 25 2022 signed by university registrar Yonamu Ngwira, examination results of all students with outstanding fees balances will be withheld.

Part of Mzuzu University campus

One of the students who opted for anonymity and had signed the commitment letter and is yet to pay, said she is anxious as she does not know her fate if she will be able to access her 2021-2022 academic year results.

“The university is expected to release the results in the coming weeks and I still do not know if I will access my end of year exam results,” she said.

Mzuni Student’s Representative Council president Cephas Maganga said there are 27 students who have already withdrawn on financial grounds, 400 students who signed commitment letters due to fees balances, ranging from K50 000 to 750 000 each and 215 students who have been left out from the tuition and upkeep allowance list of the Higher Education Students’ Loans and Grants Board.

“Our records and the records of the dean of students show that 345 needy and deserving students only received upkeep allowances. These figures do not include the incoming first year students,” he said.

However, comment Ngwira said he will comment later on the matter.

Higher Education Students’ Loans and Grants Board guidelines stipulate that for a student to qualify for the fund, they must be needy Malawian citizens, admitted into an accredited public or private institution of higher learning and must be a person who is not funded by other organisations or sources.

Mzuni’s new academic year will start on April 25 2022 for continuing students.

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