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Beware of vicious dogs

With rising robbery cases, many people in Malawi are keeping dogs for home security. Not the small dog you see roaming in urban areas, but vicious beasts. These do not only protect the household but also maim or kill intruders.

German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Pitbull and Boerboel have become the most preferred dogs due to their intimidating appearance and aggressive nature.

The gates to most homes with these dogs are labelled ‘beware of vicious dogs’. The tags warn anyone against entering without permission. You can only ignore the warning at your own risk.

As security dogs become fashionable, demand for more of these dog breeds is rising and breeding dogs has become big business.

With the worsening economy, many people are venturing into this income generating activity.

Strangely, more exotic breeds are being introduced into the country without scrutiny from authorities. These include ferocious dogs that are not supposed to be kept at home without instructions from specialists.

Unsurprisingly, cases of dog injuring or killing human beings are rising.

Already, a few people have been killed. Recently, the social media was awash with fury from Malawians appalled by some German Shepherds that killed a seven-year-old girl in Mponela, Dowa.

Last year, dogs in Lilongwe also killed a child.

Sadly, there are no reliable counts of people injured or killed by dogs every year.

Yet the deadly bites by security dogs are increasingly making Malawi unsafe for all.

Dog breeding in Malawi has remained unregulated for decades.

There is a need to enforce the laws that stipulate the maximum number of dogs per household, who can breed the dogs and the procedure for certifying breeders.

Currently, there is no such trustworthy information available.

To control dog breeding, regulations must be created and enforced by the Department of Animal Health and Livestock Development together with other agencies, including the Ministry of Health.

The regulations can target specific dog breeders, especially commercial breeders.

The regulations must be clear and accompanied by relevant policies.

Dog breeders should be required to obtain licences that subject them to mandatory inspections and penalties by government agencies.

Regulating, licensing and inspecting dogs and breeders will help authorities understand the types of dogs available in the country and identify the possible dangers.

To reduce the risk of attacks on human beings, individuals and businesses that breed dogs also require specialised training in dog behaviour and handling.

As a precaution, give them a checklist of requirements that must be met before they start breeding or keeping dogs. Make sure that the regulations are understandable, auditable, reasonable and foolproof.

Everyone keeping the fashionable dangerous dogs must seek permission from authorities and get registered.

Responsible ownership and handling of potentially dangerous dogs is paramount to safeguarding public safety.

Therefore, authorities must put in place stringent measures to contain and supervise such dogs within residential settings.

Dog owners should provide adequate fencing, leash and mandatory muzzling in public spaces so that potentially dangerous dogs do not inadvertently harm pedestrians, neighbours or other animals.

Malawi needs dog management laws now. Keeping a vicious dog is like keeping a gun. It must be regulated just as we regulate guns.

By keeping dangerous dogs at home and implementing mandatory safety measures, owners can contribute to public safety and peace in their communities.

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