National News

Blantyre City eyes 24/7business operations

Blantyre City Council says it is planning to turn the commercial city into a 24-hour business operation area to enhance economic activities.

Speaking in an interview on the sidelines of the Meet and Greet the Mayor on Friday, Blantyre City Mayor Joseph Makwinja said his vision is to see businesses operating 24 hours.

Makwinja: We should increase
business hours

He said the city has already engaged the police to ensure that the plan is not compromised by security lapses.

He said: “First and foremost, we want to increase business hours in town.

“For instance at Chichiri Shopping Centre, we need to be closing at around midnight or even to be operating 24 hours. So we want security.”

The mayor further asked police to revise the breathalyser enforcement, saying it is affecting some business operations.

In a separate interview, South West Police Region commissioner Noel Kayira said he supports the 24/7 idea and expressed commitment for the police to provide maximum security.

He said his vision is to make Blantyre the safest city in Africa, but added that he would forward the breathalyser concerns to the Inspector General of Police Merlyne Yolamu

Said Kayira: “The mayor cannot achieve that vision without security.

“I give my 110 percent support that anytime he designates any place within the city for 24-hour shopping, the first person you will see at that shopping mall will be me providing security with my officers.”

HS Winehouse director Wilkins Mijiga, whose firm manufactures capestars liquor spirits, supported Makwinja’s vision.

“When you are too militant on breathalysers,  you kill the night economy. The night economy also pays taxes to the Treasury. The night economy also creates employment.

“When you kill night economy, you are also killing tourism and other sectors.”

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