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Cama wants consumers to be proactive

Consumers such as this one have a right to seek redress if they are supplied bad goods
Consumers such as this one have a right to seek redress if they are supplied bad goods

Consumer Association of Malawi (Cama) has called on consumers who feel that their rights have been violated by suppliers to seek compensation immediately.

In a statement signed by Cama executive director John Kapito, consumers are further advised to seek compensation or replacement from suppliers who sell them unfit goods.

Meanwhile, the Competition and Fair Trading Commission—an autonomous agency of the government mandated to regulate, monitor, control and prevent acts or behaviors which are likely to adversely affect competition and fair trading in Malawi—has also encouraged consumers to proactively fight for their rights.

Competition and Fair Trading Commission executive Director Charlotte Wezi Malonda said the commission addresses any unfair trade practices by taking corrective action through conducting investigations against companys and issuing them with cease orders to stop violating the rights of a consumer.

“If the company fails to comply with these rules and regulations, we have the power to pursue for criminal persecution of the company so that it should pay fines for breaching the law. So we would like to urge the public to register their complaints against any company with us,” said Malonda.

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