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Chakwera, Chimwendo speak on SKC death

President Lazarus Chakwera has for the first time publicly reacted to conspiracy theories about the military plane crash that killed vice-president Saulos Chilima and eight others in June this year.

Speaking yesterday at Ngwenya Ground in Lilongwe where Malawi Congress Party (MCP) held its first mega rally after its elective convention in August, the President said there are people using Chilima’s death as a campaign tool and to bring confusion in the country.

Said Chakwera: “When you come across people who spread lies about Chilima’s death, you should question them if in the report by the German experts and in postmortems conducted by doctors there is anything that substantiates their claims.”

Died in a plane crash: Chilima

He said he and Chilima agreed to serve Malawians when they took over government in the court-sanctioned fresh presidential election in June 2020 and that he was equally affected by his death.

The President also lauded his administration for implementing development projects, including rehabilitation of railway in Nsanje and construction of roads, hospitals and other infrastructure nationwide.

Taking his turn at the rally, MCP secretary general Richard Chimwendo Banda said there was no foul play in Chilima’s death and that Chakwera does not have a hand in it.

“God knows and you also know that you did not have a hand in the death of Chilima. Only God knows what happened,” he said.

Chimwendo Banda added that those using Chilima’s death as campaign tool will be punished by God.

On the political front, he said Chakwera and the MCP are promoting women empowerment as evidenced by the election of more women in its executive, including first deputy president Catherine Gotani Hara and second deputy president Abida Mia.

Lilongwe City South West legislator Nancy Tembo said the main opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration never wanted Chilima and it was ironic that the party is now acting like an angel.

During the rally, MCP also welcomed a number of people into its fold, including former DPP secretary general Grezelder Jeffrey, former DPP spokesperson Hetherwick Ntaba and musician Skeffa Chimoto.

Jeffrey said she was ready to serve the party and will spread the message about development projects that Chakwera is implementing, citing the M5 rehabilitation, rail way projects and other road projects.

Ntaba said just like the prodigal son in the Bible, he has returned to his original party.

Former DPP regional governor for the Eastern Region Imran Mtenje, who was among those that joined MCP, said Chakwera has shown commitment to work with Muslims and Yao people.

He hailed Chakwera for ending the case against former president Bakili Muluzi and also pardoning former minister of Homeland Security Uladi Mussa.

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