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Chakwera hails Muslims for remembering cyclone survivors

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President Lazarus Chakwera has hailed Muslims for remembering victims of Cyclone Freddy during Eid celebrations.

He was speaking at Muslim Sports Club grounds in Lilongwe on Saturday during Eid-ul- Fitr prayers to mark the end of Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting.

Chakwera (C) attending prayers

Chakwera said the country is still in a state of national disaster as declared by his office following the cyclone which has left about 1 000 dead.

Said Chakwera, “It is, therefore, encouraging that although Eid is a joyous occasion, you have chosen to mark it by remembering those in our nation who are in great and terrible suffering. This is the spirit of brotherhood.”

He said the Muslims have shown the spirit demonstrated in Operation Tigwirane Manja, an initiative to coordinate the country’s collective effort in bringing emergency relief to those affected by the cyclone.

Chakwera also expressed gratitude that this year’s theme for Eid recognises that there will be more work for everyone after the emergency relief phase when the country will no longer be in a state of national disaster.

Muslim Association of Malawi spokesperson Sheikh Dinala Chabulika, in an interview said Muslims in the country stand with those that were affected by Cyclone Freddy.

He also said there is need for the country to find a lasting solution for survivors.

Said Chabulika: “We don’t only need to rely on donors from outside the country because there are people in this country who can build a house or more for these victims. When doing so there is also a need to construct away from disaster prone areas to avoid future occurrence of what has happened.”

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