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Chakwera rebukes regionalism, partisan development

President Lazarus Chakwera says Malawi can achieve sustainable development if duty-bearers and service providers refrain from regionalism and partisan distribution of development projects.

He said this on Friday at Domasi College of Education in Zomba during the handover of educational infrastructure at the institution and Nalikule College of Education in Lilongwe.

Chakwera cuts a ribbon marking the launch of the infrastructure in the two academic institutions

The infrastructure, which includes a new library and laboratories, have been constructed with funding from the Japanese Government.

Chakwera said government felt duty-bound to spread the construction of infrastructure at the two institutions in the South and Centre to address academic gaps in the country.

“It does not make sense to erect project in one region, because despite coming from different regions we all travel across the country,” he said.

The President urged management teams of the two academic institutions to invest in quality education.

“Malawi needs educated citizens to develop,” he said.

He further said the stalled Domasi Community Hospital, whose construction started in 2014, will be completed the soonest with support from the German Government.

“The goal is to cushion pressure among people from Domasi and the surrounding areas to be accessing medical treatment with ease,” he said.

Japanese Ambassador Youichi Oya highlighted that tertiary education offers students knowledge, skills and certifications they need to be successful in their preferred jobs.

Oya expressed optimism that the newly-launched infrastructure will foster effective student-teachers education.

“Well-trained teachers are hallmarks of development,” he said.

On his part, Domasi College of Education principal Arkangel Kambeni explained that teacher education is the bedrock of quality education.

He said the two colleges will ensure that student-teachers are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills.

“The goal is to ensure that these teachers after being deployed in schools will be effectively engaging with learners in meaningful learning experiences,” he said.

Earlier, the President visited and interacted with vendors in Zomba Market as well as toured the on-going construction works of the long-awaited Zomba Stadium.

The ceremony at Domasi was also attended by Vice-president Michael Usi, University of Malawi first deputy vice-chancellor Sunduzwayo Madise, chiefs, ministers and other senior government officials.

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