Commission says research key to MW2063 implementation
The National Planning Commission (NPC) says the National Research Agenda (NRA) will help to align all research work in various sectors that are key to the roll out of Malawi 2063 (MW2063)First 10-Year Implementation Plan (MIP-1).
Launched in March this year, the NRA seeks to guide researchers, academic institutions, think-tanks, research and development stakeholders in generating knowledge, technologies and innovations to build a knowledge-based economy for Malawi towards inclusive wealth creation and self-reliance outlined in the country’s long-term development plan
In a statement, NPC director general Thomas Chataghalala Munthali said the commission will continue to leverage knowledge and learning from other countries and regional bodies to ensure that the execution of its mandate hinges on best practices that could be emulated from others who have already succeeded.
In an interview, NPC director of knowledge Joseph Nagoli said government has already established a fund that will be managed by the National Commission for Science and Technology to finance research into MW2063 priority areas.
Experts say historically, Malawi has produced several outstanding key pieces of research and policy documents that government has not fully adapted into its development agenda.
But Nagoli allayed concerns that research produced by the National Commission for Science and Technology will join a long list of policy papers gathering dust on government shelves because it is created specifically to address the challenges that Malawi will likely face when implementing its development agenda.
“The applied research is already aligned to the focus priority areas for immediate adoption,” he said.
University of Malawi economics lecturer Jacob Mazalale said the launch of NRA will help streamline research and focus it on areas that will be relevant to the country’s economic agenda.
He said: “A government-supported research agenda will help us to focus on the questions that can advance our goals.
“For example, there are questions on how best we can implement the Extended Credit Facility and the mega farms the government intends to roll out.”
The Mwapata Institute, Michigan State University, Dundee University, African Institute for Development Policy, Copenhagen Consensus Centre, Charter Cities Institute and the Legatum Foundation have reportedly expressed interest to participate in the NRA.