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Council faulted on Blantyre marathon

Athletics Association of Malawi (AAM) has questioned its mother body Malawi National Council of Sports’ (MNCS) mandate over Blantyre City Marathon.

In an interview with The Nation on Thursday last week, AAM general secretary Frank Chitembeya said  they asked Sports Council to stop organising the race, whose 2021 edition is staled for June 20, arguing that the affiliate is the only association mandated to organise such events.

Athletes competing in a previous marathon

“They are aware that they have no mandate to organise such events. It is our responsibility to conduct such events.

“We wrote them way back when they had the previous event to stop, but they have chosen not to listen to us,” he said.

Chitembeya said timing of the Blantyre Marathon in June also clashes with AAM’s national championship at Bingu National Stadium in Lilongwe.

“Mind you,we are staging a track and field event the same June. Where will they get the athletes for the tournament. The council is totally losing its focus. It’s conflict of interest on the part of the council,”he said.

But Sports Council sports development officer Ruth Mzengo said the council can  supplement where affiliates seem to be lacking.

“AAM is misled if they are saying we have no mandate to organise such event. The Sports Council Act gives the council mandate to manage,promote and develop any sport in the country.

“What we were expecting from them is a thank you because we are supplementing where they are failing to reach,”she said.

The 42.195 km Blantyre Marathon will start at Ginnery Corner near NBS Bank building in Blantyre at Six O’clock in the morning passing through Machinjiri and finishing at Kamuzu Stadium.

In the last edition, Moyale Barracks’ Happy Kings Ncherenje was the champion in the men’s category while Mulanje-based athlete Theresa Master won in the women’s category.

Ncherenje finished in 2:27:10 hours while women’s champion Master clocked 3:19:49 hours.

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