Death trap on Lakeshore Road
Lives are at risk for passengers and motorists travelling along the Lakeshore, M5 Road between Mwansambo and Benga Trading Centres in Nkhotakota.
This Lipsodzi Bridge has a damaged concrete base, and vehicles are supported by some old and wornout steel and wooden planks. The bridge is still in use despite the damaged concrete base.
Drivers have to make their own decision whether to use the damaged bridge or use a diversion, depending on whether they perceive the weight of their vehicles as “light” or “heavy”. This is at the expense of their own lives and that of passengers.
Worse still, the diversion has no warning signpost and vehicles continue to use it. It would be advisable for road authorities to completely close the usage of the bridge until it is maintained.
The picture shows the bridge with damaged concrete base. —MAYNARD NYIRENDA, Citizen Journalist