National Sports

Dedza risk losing sponsorship

Premier Bet Dedza Dynamos are caught between a rock and a hard place after their sponsors, Premier Bet demanded that they move out of their home, Dedza Stadium because it  is branded by another betting company, Betika or risk losing sponsorship.

The branding is an arrangement between the stadium owners, Dedza District Council, and  Betika which branded the facility after constructing a players tunnel.

Dedza Dynamos chief executive officer Flellah Kulemelo in an interview yesterday confirmed the situation.

Dedza (in yellow) taking on Wanderers at home

He said: “Yes, it’s true. Premier Bet has made it clear that they cannot continue sponsoring us while playing at the stadium which is branded  by  their competitors.

“We understand them because one of the reasons for sponsoring us is brand visibility and the situation compromises that.”

The club has since written Dedza District Council on their predicament.

Said Kulemelo: “We have engaged them on our grievances. We met them yesterday [Tuesday].

“We have asked them to reconsider their agreement with Betika. We cannot risk losing our sponsorship with Premier Bet.

“But we cannot also move from Dedza Stadium because that would be denying our supporters and the people of Dedza a chance to watch their team.”

Meanwhile, the club is yet to decide where they will host Lilongwe-based Creck Sporting Club in their next TNM Super League fixture tomorrow.

Kulemelo said: “Of course we don’t expect this issue to be solved within the next three days.

“But what we have done is to take a step in resolving the issue. So, we will wait and see what will happen.”

Dedza District Council director of administration Chris Salaniponi said the council will review the issue.

He said: “We are meeting tomorrow [Friday] as management to discuss a better way to resolve the issue and invite Dedza Dynamos to the roundtable discussion.”

One of Dedza Dynamos football fans, Gerald Kampanikiza, writing on Facebook, said the council will lose out if it sticks to its guns.

The blogger said: “Who will be the greatest loser? The council, of course, and it is their responsibility as well to be proud of Dedza Dynamos because two years ago, the district won the Sports District of the Year Award organised by Malawi National Council of Sports for having a team in the TNM Super League.

“In 2023, Dedza district earned over K15 million from the games played at Dedza Stadium through Dedza Dynamos, who are among the top four earners in gate revenue just behind the big three, FCB Nyasa Big Bullets, Mighty Mukuru Wanderers and Silver Strikers, accumulating at least K17 355 510 in the first round.”

Kampanikiza said Dedza District Council has already beaten their own K15 million record for the last season because of stadium revenue.

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