National News

Don’t conceal public information, says MHRC

The Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) has expressed concern with some ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) for withholding public information.

In a statement issued yesterday, signed by MHRC chairperson Scader Louis, the commission says it has observed that some MDAs continue to withhold important public information, a development that leads to the spreading of speculations and false information in the country.

Louis: MDAs continue to withhold information

The commission states that the public has the right to request and access public information from any public institution, non governmental organisations and other relevant private bodies by following setup procedures under Access to Information (ATI) Act 2017 and ATI 2021 regulations.

Reads the statement in part: “In the event that the request is denied, the information seeker has the right of appeal to the Access of Information Committee at the Malawi Human Rights Commission.

“Furthermore, the commission would like to remind information holders that prevention of disclosure of information, providing false information and wrongful denials of disclosure of information are crimes which are punishable by law.”

The commission’s statement comes barely a month after it expressed concerns with delays by some public institutions to appoint information officers to provide information to the public.

In an inter view on the sidelines of the training for information officers on ATI law in Blantyre last month, MHRC ATI committee chairperson Baldwin Chiyamwaka said most public institutions were yet to appoint information officers.

He said public institutions were supported to appoint information officers within 90 days after the ATI law was enacted.

Said Chiyamwaka: “So, we are appealing to all public inst i tut ions to appoint information holders and possibly for the Ministry of Information [and Digitalisation] to come up with a list and publish it as it is required by the law.” Section 15 of ATI Act compels every information holder to proactively disclose to the public information pertaining to contracts, licences, permits and reports.

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