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DPP university wings ask for convention voting rights

University wings of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) want to be given rights to vote at the party’s national elective convention this month.

In a letter dated August 9 2025 addressed to the party’s administrative secretary Francis Mphepo and convention chairperson George Chaponda, the DPP wings from public universities say they believe that it is essential that students should be fully taking part in democratic functions of their party, including voting during convention.

Mutharika waving delegates at a 2018 convention

Reads the letter: “We are not merely spectators or hand-clappers but active participants in the party ’s growth and development. Our involvement in the decision-making process is crucial to ensuring that the party’s leadership reflects our aspirations and interests.”

The wing leaders who have signed the letter are from Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (Mubas), University of Malawi (Unima) and Malawi University of Science and Technology.

In an interview yesterday, Mubas DPP Wing secretary general Micah Nthere said they want the voting rights to be granted to presidents and secretary generals of DPP wings from the six public universities.

He, however, said party officials were yet to respond to their request.

“We think they are not counting on us but during their political rallies they want us to carry banners,” he said.

When contacted, Chaponda said it is not possible for the leaders of university wings to vote at the upcoming convention because the DPP constitution does not recognise them as delegates.

“We are going to the convention to elect members of the national governing council and it is the council which can change the constitution,” he said.

In an interview yesterday, political scientist Ernest Thindwa agreed with Chaponda that student wings across parties are not officially recognised as part of the party structures.

He suspected that the students’ request is largely motivated by the possibility of accessing cash handouts to be dispensed by some aspirants.

“The relationship between vote seekers and the voters is increasingly being monetised and students want to exploit that relationship for their own financial gains,” said Thindwa.

The DPP is expected to hold its convention on August 17 and 18 at the Comesa Hall in Blantyre.

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