National News

Govt geared to improve health service delivery

Minister of Health Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda has assured people of Nsanje that government is committed to improving healthcare service delivery in the district.

Speaking on Tuesday after commissioning a K240 million modern multi-drug resistance tuberculosis (TB) ward at Nsanje District Hospital, the minister said the facility will ensure that patients are treated timely.

“This facility will mainly help those that have developed resistance to tuberculosis treatment,” said Chiponda.

Chiponda unveils the plaque to
officially open the ward

She advised people in the district to seek early TB treatment once they experience signs and symptoms, saying the disease is curable if detected early.

Chiponda also advised district health officials and surrounding communities to look after the new structure.

She said there are a number of challenges the district hospital is facing and assured the district’s health management team that government will address the shortfalls.

“I have noted that the coldroom at the hospital is not working effectively and the maternity wing is not up to standard,” she said.

Chiponda said Treasury has allocated K500 million for the rehabilitation of health facilities in the district and encouraged healthcare workers to work hard and refrain from drug theft.

“Anyone found indulging in the malpractice will face the law,” she said

During the event, the minister also launched motorbikes that will be used to deliver supplies in health centres in the district under the Direct Delivery of Routine Immunisation Vaccines and Interventions for Equity health project.

Nsanje District Council vice-chairperson Felix Round commended government for promoting health service delivery in the district, saying the new structure will facelift Nsanje District Hospital.

“The facility will ensure that those that have developed resistance to the  disease are treated timely,” he said.

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