Big Man Wamkulu

He said he is not married

Biggie, you see, I have a knack for this guy. Honestly, I am so much in love with him.

You see what, I fell for him more so because he told me he separated with his wife. Tell you what, he even showed me texts as proof of their fall-out.

Not unexpectedly, I gave him my fruits. I was happy that he appreciated the gesture. Having munched the goods, he indeed told me it has never felt like that, ever with anyone.

But now, to my surprise, he has ghosted me. I will tell you, when I call, he no longer picks my calls. Not even a message. Biggie, he used to call me like an antibiotic dosage and I enjoyed the midnight talks that made me believe he was single and in love with me.

Was this love for him or he just used me? Why would a guy lie that he is not married?


Hey Chrissie,

You see what, some guys have big egos and just want to play people like you just to get a certain reaction. It is a calculated move.

At your hands is a type that just turns around and walks away, without giving any explanation. All you need to do is move on with your life, never look back because this type just wants to hurt you emotionally. They are not genuine. For all they care, they lie and lie.

Such a good for nothing only love side attention. They find value in themselves by how much attention they can get from a woman they tell half-truths like you.

Had you not been from Ntchenachena or Mpanyira, as I presume, I could have told you that the dude is in an open relationship, but he only wants to keep it private. Openly discussing one’s relationship structure can sometimes invite unsolicited opinions or assumptions. I hold that to be true.

On the other hand, it may be that this man is on separation or divorced, but they are willingly withholding that fact from you. He obviously knows that once he is open with you, he may not get what he wants from you. For that matter, he is done with you.

I will be honest with you, from my experience, boys are interested in pursuing romantic connections with others, while at the same time appear unattached. All this makes dating and flirtation exciting.

But with him not calling, run my dear Chrissie. Pamenepa sipokhala

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