
How to be a more appreciative person

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Get to know your partner by studying his likes and dislikes, his strengths and weaknesses, his moods and mannerisms. Just loving a man is fine, but it is not enough. To live with one successfully, you have to know him and to know him you have to study him.

Good advice for both partners, when you undertake such a study you will learn what upsets your spouse as well as how to make laughter. You will understand when your partner needs encouragement as well as when s/he needs to calm down. This study of your mate should never stop, for if it does your mate may outgrow you as the years go by. However, if you study your mate over the years, you may come to know him or her almost better than you know yourself.

Look at your partner, develop your powers of observation so that you can detect in your mate new attitudes, abilities, habits and hobbies and dormant or unrecognised qualities that you can compliment. Forget yourself and look at things from another point of view. As you become more accepting, you will be able to understand why your partner acts and thinks differently from you. As you become more understanding, your partner will reveal more to you and new behaviour patterns will crop up for you to study.

Show a willingness to participate, at least occasionally, in activities your mate enjoys. Wives would love to have their husbands show interest in their decorating projects, school and church activities or a short shopping spree. Husbands may be sports lovers, gardeners but the wives may never show any interest in these areas. Sometimes even a pretended interest can grow to become real.

Listen to your partner. What a wonderful way to discover each other.

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