National News

Islanders to reconstruct Likoma’s first church

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Likoma islanders have come together to reconstruct the historic St Mark’s Anglican Church.

Built in 1898, St Mark’s was the first prayer house on the Island on the Mozambican side of Lake Malawi.

The construction of the magnificent St Peter Cathedral only started in 1903, three years before the opening of the one earmarked for a facelift.

For years, the iconic building has developed some cracks which were left wide open when it was battered by a hailstorm in February 2015.

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Ever since, the faithful have been praying in a classroom at Nkhwazi Full Primary School.

In an interview, Likoma Islanders spokesperson Peter Chiwaula said the church has been demolished to pave the way for a new one at the same place.

“The design of the new church has a combination of features of the old structure as well as the modern church.

“We have a Diaspora wing. If everyone can play a role, this task will be easier and we will build a beautiful and befitting house of God that our colleagues at home cannot manage on their own,” said Chiwaula.

The church is located in the vicinity of tourist attractions, including Kaya Mawa and Mango Drift which is convenient for adventure seekers who may wish to congregate with the locals.

He said the project is in three phases with the first which requires K10 million.

He said the group has almost mobilised half of the funds. n

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