National News

Israel dangles 100 000 jobs to Malawians

Israeli dangled 100 000 jobs to Malawians in the ongoing labour export deal and dared Lilongwe to deliver the first 10 000 within two months to demonstrate commitment.

Speaking yesterday during a meeting with the Malawi delegation at the Israeli Parliament Building in Jerusalem, Israel’s Minister of Economy Nir Barakt said they are looking at importing about 300 000 workers from other countries.

He said there is huge interest from other countries, including India which is willing to send in excess of a million workers.

The commitment to expand the intake followed a request from the Malawi delegation.

“How many can you send?” Barakt asked and leader of delegation Secretary to the Treasury Betchani Tchereni suggested 10 000.

Barakt: How many people can you send?

Responding to Tchereni’s reply, Barakt drew applause when he said: “I want you to think about 100 000. I can give you that. I will give you that.”

Tchereni said with transport available, Malawi can deliver these numbers within the week.

During the last three months of the labour export deal, only about 1 000 have gone to Israel, raising questions of Malawi’s capacity to deliver the 10 000 within two months.

Challenges delaying the process include production of passports that is taking long and failure by potential workers to pay for a passport and medical certificates.

In an interview after the meeting, Tchereni said this is doable and government will do everything to meet the target.

“This is good news. We have to work with speed and government will come in to ensure this is delivered,” he said, looking excited after this announcement which may see Malawi improve foreign reserves.

During the meeting, member of Parliament Ben Phiri, who is chairperson for Sadc Population Caucus, asked the Israeli Government to ensure that the employees’ salaries are deposited into their Malawian bank accounts.

“I know your laws may not really be supportive of this arrangement, but the whole purpose of this deal is to help Malawi gain some forex and also have these employees save something. We really need to work together so that our laws speak to each other on this important arrangement,” he said. 

The minister agreed to this suggestion, saying it will be implemented.

Phiri also asked if the exported skilled labour can use their Malawi qualifications without problems.  In response, the Israeli minister said once employers are happy with the qualifications, the arrangement is that a Visa will be granted.

The Malawi delegation is today expected to visit farms to appreciate the working conditions and also speak with the workers to encourage them to be good ambassadors of their country.

Official reports from the office of the Honorary Consul in Israel show that 23 workers escaped farms to get other types of jobs, contrary to the signed contract and agreements.

In an interview, Parliamentary Committee on Social and Community Welfare chairperson Savel Kafwafwa expressed worry that the conduct of the 23 may dent Malawi’s image, hence the need to resolve the issue.

Malawi and Israel struck a labour export deal late last year.

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