National News

Land disputes frustrate project, says Dodma

Department of Disaster Management Affairs (Dodma) commissioner Charles Kalemba has described land disputes as a major factor delaying water projects in some districts in the Southern Region.

He said this on Thursday in Phalombe District during a media tour to appreciate progress of the projects.

Said Kalemba: “We have gravity-fed water systems and solar-powered water systems in a number of districts in the Southern Region where we are implementing post-cyclone Idai projects. So, this project started last year and was supposed to be concluded by the end of July this year.

“But we may miss the target by about one and a half months because of land disputes. You might be aware that people are claiming the land where we are putting up tanks.”

Jonas Khongolo, a community member from Traditional Authority Jenala, commended Dodma for the water project, saying tap water will enhance personal hygiene.

In her remarks, Zomba district commissioner Reinghard Chavula expressed hope that the water project will improve water supply in the district.

She said: “As Zomba, we are pleased with the initiative because as you may be aware, cyclones affected the district, which impacted the people’s livelihoods.

“So, this project will restore the systems that were there to supply the water.”

Chavula called for more sensitisation before a project is introduced in a community to enable them to understand the project’s nature to avoid land disputes.

Dodma is implementing the project with $22.68 million (about K40 billion)support from the African Development Bank in Zomba, Phalombe, Mulanje and Nsanje districts.

Over the past two years, the country has experienced cyclones such as Idai, Anna, Gombe and Freddy which destroyed water infrastructure.

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