Malawi needs to preserve its traditions, culture
Malawians need to know, appreciate and embrace their cultural and traditional history so that they are aware of where they are coming from and their authentic way of life.
Lost History Foundation official Paliani Chinguwo made the remarks on Saturday during the libation ceremony jointly organised by the foundation, Chipembedzo cha Makolo Achikuda and Pan Africanists in Namiwawa, Blantyre.
He said many Malawians have grown up not knowing how their forefathers prayed against calamities and asked for rains and other forms of blessings from their Creator.
Said Chinguwo: “For people to have a brighter future, they need to know their past. Culture and tradition are important.
“As Lost History Foundation, we are digging our lost culture and beliefs. We want Malawians to understand how our forefathers were doing things.”
On his part, Tamandani Kasompha told patrons that offering libation is important because it connects people with their ancestors, who in the end communicate to the Creator.
“It we stick to our traditions, we will be healthy and strong. We all have our history and spiritual connections with our relatives who passed on,” he said.
Chipembedzo cha Makolo high priest Chifuno Mlambe told patrons how libation is offered and all protocols followed.
During the libation offering, led by priest Mangalusa and priest Mashalubu, worshippers asked their ancestors, mentioned by name, to protect and guide Malawians as they navigate the impact of Cyclone Freddy. They also asked the ancestors to thank the Creator for the first harvest of the season. Foods offered to the ancestors included nsima, groundnuts, beer, fruits and thobwa.
Earlier, several traditional dances were also performed in preparation for the libation ceremony.
An audio clip in which former President Hastings Kamuzu Banda spoke about the importance of offering libation in line with Malawi’s culture and tradition was also played.