National News

Man jailed 10years for robbery

Lilongwe First Grade Magistrate’s Court has sentenced Brian Chisomo Banda, 53, to 10 years imprisonment for robbery.

State prosecutor Gladson Chimseu told the court that the accused, alongside his accomplices broke into Edith Ndapita’s house on May 15 this year and went away with K90 000, two laptops and phones valued at K4. 8 million.

According to Lingadzi Police Station spokesperson Salomy Zgambo, the State prosecutor also told the court that the robbers demanded  K10 million, claiming they had information that the victim had the amount.

In court, Brian Chisomo Banda was convicted on his own plea of guilt while his co-accused persons denied the charges.

Zgambo: Some property was recovered

Said Zgambo: “In submission, the State pleaded with the court a for stiffer punishment, saying despite the fact that some properties were recovered, the victim was vulnerable along with her two children.”

Banda pleaded for leniency, saying he is a first offender and did not waste the court’s time by pleading guilty to the charges.

But passing judgement, first grade magistrate Imran Phiri concurred with the State that the victim was lucky not to be hacked or killed.

He said such malpractices will not be condoned; hence, slapped him with a 10-year prison sentence.

Brian Chisomo Banda hails from Nkhave Village, Traditional Authority Kapichi in Thyolo District.

His co-accussed will undergo a full trial which is set to start today.

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