National News

 Mary Chilima eulogises late hubby, describes him as ‘saint’

Former vice-president Saulos Chilima’s widow, Mary, yesterday spoke publicly for the first time since her husband’s death in June this year, describing him as kind-hearted, a saint, merciful and loving.

“I didn’t know the pain of loss until his death,” she said, and the audience froze into deep silence.

Mary was addressing a memorial ceremony at Patrick’s Catholic Church in Area 18 in Lilongwe where Chilima congregated.

She said Chilima’s works would be in vain if people did not emulate his good deeds.

“Let’s draw lessons from him as he left so we can grow, live by his example and become Christians who can benefit others,” said Mary.

Dressed in traditional attire, sewn from a green church cloth, a prevalent dress code on the day, she spoke calmly though traces of emotions were audible in her voice.

The widow said she was forced to speak after the designated  speaker sustained a minor injury just before the event.

Mary Chilima and her daughter Elizabeth light
a candle during the event

She sat next to her daughter, Elizabeth, and UTM secretary general Patricia Kaliati on the public gallery, a few rows from the church exit where Chilima used to sit, according to other eulogists.

Mary said Chilima’s dedication to the church inspired her and she started emulating his spiritual life.

“He taught me to fast. He could do it for 46 days during Lent, even on Sundays when the faithful are meant to rest.

“When I asked him why, he said Jesus Christ did not pause fasting on Sunday,” she said.

Mary further recalled how her husband would prepare food and share  it among the needy during church gatherings.

In his sermon, Father Samson Kukambira said Chilima’s Osaopa, Osafooka, Osatopa slogan should inspire the church to enhance their dedication to godly work.

Parish executive Matthews Mtumbuka said the service, which run under the theme ‘A life well-lived’, was meant to celebrate Chilima’s life.

“We have mourned and now we have to celebrate his life. That celebration comes with lessons. We are happy he was our member. We learnt his deep faith, humility and hardworking [spirit],” he said.

The event was commemorated over two months after Chilima, alongside eight government officials, aides and crew members died in a military plane crash in Chikangawa, Mzimba on June 10.

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