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NAM pens Queens on camp boycott

Netball Association of Malawi (NAM) has acknowledged Malawi Queens’ decision not to report for training until their outstanding game bonuses amounting to K9 million for Pent Series and Africa Netball Championship are settled.

The Queens were supposed to start preparations for the Commowealth Games on Tuesday in Lilongwe, but only four players showed up for camp training in Lilongwe.

The Queens players in action in a previous tournament

A letter from NAM general secretary Isaac Chimwala dated February 2 addressed to the Queens’ captain Caroline Mtukule-Ngwira, which we have seen, acknowledges the players’ decision to boycott training.

The letter reads in part: “We would like to thank you for your letter dated January 31 [2021] in which you state your plans not to report for camping until the issue about allowances is sorted out.

“Please be advised that NAM executive committee has noted all the grievances and will definitely act on them in due course.”

NAM has since appealed for patience from the players as it tries to address the issue.

“I humbly request you to remain calm as you await your dues,” the letter further reads.

However, the association has faulted the players for boycotting training.

The letter further reads: “It is, however, unfortunate that you have resorted to industrial action before all steps involved in handling grievances and dispute are exhausted.

“Since you have already withdrawn your services NAM will follow the available process there is to close the matter. We will revert to you with tangible feedback in liaison with other stakeholders.

“NAM will communicate to you when next it shall need your services after settlement of outstanding dues.”

One of the players, however, confided in The Nation that NAM has now resorted to divide and rule as well as intimidation tactics to frustrate the players.

Said the player: “We are only pushing for what belongs to us. We are owed a lot of money and I do not think we would be able to give out our best if this matter is not sorted out. They need to understand us.”

Malawi National Council of Sports spokesperson Edgar Ntulumbwa said the council is not aware of the boycott.

However, on Tuesday the council attributed the delay to release Queens’ games bonuses to NAM’s failure to submit a report on other costs of the trip.

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