National News

NGO against use of mosquito nets for fishing

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Karonga District Council director of planning and development Frank Mkandawire has commended Malawi Governance for Solutions (GfS) project for fighting the use of mosquito nets in the fishing sector.

Speaking at a day-long stakeholders’ meeting on use of mosquito nets for fishing on Monday, he said in a decentralised set-up, the role of duty-bearers is to go on the ground to establish if rights holders have challenges and how best to address them.

He said: “So, as a council, we commend the approach that GfS, which is funded by Development Alternatives Incoporated, has taken as it is one of the four pillars of decentralisation.

Fishermen use pictured using banned mosquito nets in Lake Malawi

“They are empowering fishing associations and beach village committees to deal with the use of illegal fishing gear in Karonga.”

Karonga district fisheries assistant inspectorate officer Richard Kamanga said the sector’s challenge is lack of adequate resources to conduct patrols to check use of illegal gear.

He said: “Our major challenge is lack of a vehicle and a boat for patrols on the lake.

“With the K310 000 monthly allocation, we cannot sustain the hiring of a boat at K75 000 per day and allowances for security to check use of illegal fishing gear.”

DAI with funding from USAid is implementing the Gfs project in the district to eradicate the use of mosquito nets for fishing.

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