National News

NGO for sustainable agriculture

Stephanos Foundation has called for the promotion of conservation agriculture.

Speaking in Lilongwe last week during demonstration of sustainable farming Talandira Harvest Centre in Nathenje, Stephanos Foundation executive director Clifford Kuyokwa said conservation agriculture has proven to be easy to practice and affordable for some farmers.

He said: “We were demonstrating what farmers do in this type of farming where they do not have to make ridges, they just till the land and use manure, not fertiliser.

Some of the farmers tour one of the fields

“We have seen that in our demonstration plots, things are working. So, we also want to replicate the same to other communities because it is helpful for our local people.”

Kuyokwa said the charity is also helping farmers to diversify their crops so that they do not rely on maize only.

On his part, village head Kalulu of Kalulu Village where Talandira Harvest Centre is located, hailed the new farming methods as having helped participating farmers to preserve soil fertility and gain high yields.

“We have learnt to produce manure and to diversify our farming,” he said.

The charity is headquartered in Blantyre, but runs projects in various districts in the country.

It also takes care of orphaned children that are vulnerable by supporting them to become self-reliant through agricultural, health and educational projects.

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