National News

NGO hails GBV, HIV project

Pakachere Institute Health and Development Communication says the gender-based violence (GBV) and HIV and Aids project they are running at Makawa, Traditional Authority Mponda in Mangochi District is succeeding.

Speaking on Saturday at Makawa Primary School during the Open-Day to raise awareness on GBV and HIV and Aids, the organisation’s project officer Charles Yuma said they trained change agents who take GBV and HIV messages to people’s homes.

He said: “The project has also addressed harmful cultural practices that fuel GBV and empowered GBV victims to report.

“Secondly, we engaged men and traditional and religious leaders to fight GBV.”

Yuma said they also promoted health seeking behaviour among men living with HIV and empowered women living with or affected by HIV to join village savings and loans (VSL) groups.

“This has created financial independence and resilience among people living with HIV,” he said.

Mangochi district assistant gender officer Lastone Chikopa described the project as a game-changer.

“GBV cases were rampant in Makawa because fishers demand sex from girls in exchange for fish,” he said.

One of the change agents, Martha Kambalame, pledged to continue conducting awareness on GBV to help victims report abuses to relevant authorities.

“It is our duty to sensitise communities on what to do in case they experience GBV,” she said.

Prisca Lumeta, a community member from Kela Village, said they now know where to report GBV cases.

Pakachere is implementing the Gender and HIV and Aids HeForShe Project with funding from UN Women.

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