National News

NGO to implement governance project in Nsanje District

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Malawi Human Rights Resource Centre (MHRRC) says it will implement a one-year governance project in Nsanje District.

Speaking in an interview on Tuesday after a District Executive Committee Meeting, MHRRC capacity development associate Noel Msiska said the project seeks to fight inequality.

He said: “We will train development structures to monitor budget allocation and expenditure in health, education and social protection sectors.

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“We want citizens to have meaningful engagement with duty-bearers and demand accountability in development resources.”

Nsanje District Civil Society Organisations Network chairperson Mike Dansa thanked MHRRC for the project, which he said will enhance good governance.

“Money meant for development projects in the district should be utilised accordingly,” he said.

Senior Chief Chimombo asked MHRRC not to depart from its planned objectives when implementing the project.

He said: “We are grateful that the project will train all development structures such as area and village development committees as well as citizen journalists who will be close to the people in remote areas.

“The bottom line is all money meant for development should be prudently used.”

MHRRC is implementing a project dubbed Enhancing Citizens’ Participation in Local Governance and Development Process III (fighting inequality) in Nsanje, Ntchisi and Dowa districts.

The K90.8 million project in Nsanje will be funded by  the Norwegian Church Aid and DanChurchAid.

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