National News

Nice trains women aspirants in Karonga on leadership

National Initiative for Civic Education (Nice) Trust has trained women aspirants in Karonga District in leadership skills.

Speaking on Wednesday during the training Nice Karonga district civic education programme officer Derex Souza said the training, sought to empower women aspirants to achieve equal representation in elected positions.

He said: “Statistics show that Karonga has no female parliamentarian and only one councillor. This is why we have decided to train female aspirants to bridge that gap.

Souza: Aspirants need political skills

“We want to equip the aspirants with political knowledge and public speaking skills. We also want them to develop strategic campaign materials, build leadership qualities such as confidence and resilience.”

Karonga district elections officer Ellias Nyirenda, whose presentation focused on media engagement skills, leadership and political leadership said promoting women participation in politics was critical to enhance development.

“Leadership and political skills will enable women aspirants compete favourably against their male counterparts,” he said.

However, Gloria Singini, an aspiring candidate, asked for support.

“We thank Nice for the capacity building. However, we ask other stakeholders to help in mobilising campaign resources for women aspirants,” she said.

Nice Trust in collaboration with Centre for Civil Society Strengthening is implementing Nthawi Yawo Project in the district with funding from the United Nations Development Programme, European Union, United States Agency for International Development, Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office, Royal Norwegian Embassy and Embassy of Ireland

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