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Nice urges citizens to participate in elections

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 National Initiative for Civic Education (Nice) Trust has rolled out a three-year Boma Lathu Programme in Blantyre District to enhance people’s participation in electoral processes.

Nice Trust Blantyre programmes officer Glory Ngosi Maulidi said this on Wednesday during a District Executive Committee meeting.

She said Nice Trust will work with key players such as the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC, National Registration Bureau (NRB), Civic Education and National Unity directorates to strengthen the capacities of women, youth and disadvantaged groups to participate in democratic spaces.

Participants follow a presentation

Said Maulidi: “This programme will support NRB to ensure effective civil registration processes to safeguard the integrity, image and importance of the  national identity card [ID].

“Additionally, it will support MEC to ensure that it manages credible and transparent electoral process ahead of the 2025 Tripartite Elections.”

She encouraged women, youth and disadvantaged groups to participate in democratic processes.

“We also want citizens to hold duty-bearers accountable to ensure enhanced service delivery,” said Maulidi.

Blantyre district principal gender officer Joseph Stephano commended Nice Trust for introducing the

 programme in the district.

He advised Nice Trust to involve relevant sectors in the implementation of the programme to yield positive results.

In an interview yesterday, Elube Makwinja from Traditional Authority Somba said she was ready to register for a national ID to vote in 2025.

Boma Lathu is part of Malawi Democratic Gove rnance Project and Blantyre District has been allocated K19 million to implement the programme’s activities for a year.

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