Nsanama-Nayuchi Road project starts next month
Deputy Minister of Transport and Public Works Nancy Chaola Mdooko says construction work for Nsanama-Nayuchi Road in Machinga is scheduled to start next month.
She said this on Saturday at Nayuchi Community Ground in Traditional Authority Mchinguza in the district.

Mdooko said government has set aside K5.3 billion in the current national budget for the construction of the first phrase.
“We will construct 10 kilometres [km] in the first phase. The work will take nine months,” she said.
Mdooko assured people that government will ensure that the 45-km road project is not abandoned midway.
On his part, Paramount Chief Kawinga commended government for showing interest to construct the road.
He said: “People are not happy with the unfulfilled promises about upgrading the road to bitumen standards.
“In fact, people were about to hold peaceful demonstrations to push government to construct the road.”
The chief said the road will boost trade in the area as most people grow cash crops.
In her remarks, Machinga East legislator Ester Jolobala (United Democratic Front-UDF) said she asked government in Parliament to allocate money for upgrading the road.
She said it was ironic that a railway line to Nacala Port in Mozambique passes through the area, but the road that runs parallel to it remains in bad state.
“I have done my part and the rest is for government to fulfill its obligation,” she said.
Jawadu Amidu from the area said the construction of the road was long overdue.
“The road is impassable during the rainy season,” he said.