National News

Ntcheu District Council impresses auditors

Ntcheu District Council director of finance Musandide Missinjo says financial prudence is critical for development.

His sentiments come after the council attained an unqualified audit opinion status.

Unqualified audit opinion is where an auditor would express their opinion that the financial statements are free from material mis-statements and have been prepared in accordance with international public sector accounting standards.

In an interview on Wednesday, Missinjo attributed the feat to team work and the desire to do well.

“I am pleased with the award because this is the first time for the council to receive the trophy. Team work and the desire to do well have contributed to the achievement,” he said.

Missinjo said the council will get K741 million performance-based grant after achieving the feat.

Ntcheu District Council has implemented various projects using District Development Fund (DDF), Performance-Based Grant such as Government to Enable Service Delivery (Gesd) and Constituency Development Fund.

Some of the projects include Ntonda Police Unit in Traditional Authority (T/A) Phambala, Mpamadzi Bridge in T/A Kwataine and a classroom block at Chimvano Primary School in Sub-T/A Mkutumula in Bwanje South.

Meanwhile, Bwanje South legislator Alexander Chilikumtima has expressed confidence that the K48.8 million classroom block will motivate children to go to school in the constituency.

He, therefore, commended the council for complementing government’s efforts to improve education in the country.

Chimvano Primary School head teacher Benson Chigoma said the school opened in 1994 with only six classrooms, which caused some children to learn under trees.

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