National News

PAC resolves Christian, Muslim spats

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Public Affairs Committee (PAC) has resolved the differences between Islamic Commission for Justice and Freedom (ICJF) and Catholics following Mangochi Diocese Bishop Montfort Stima’s statement during the 2022 Independence Day celebration.

PAC executive secretary Robert Phiri in an interview on Sunday concerned parties signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) and that the quasi-religious grouping is currently conducting zone meetings to popularise the agreement.

Phiri: We have signed an agreement

Among others, the Muslims and the Catholic Church have agreed to form a joint committee to look into their relationship to be led by sheikhs and Catholic priests in Mangochi and that similar committees will be formed in Balaka and Machinga districts.

Said Phiri: “When that happened, the sheikhs and Bishop Stima signed an agreement and they agreed that it should also go at zone level. So what we are doing is to use locals themselves at district level.

“So the meetings which we had on 8th April and on 26th March we were popularise this messaging. Two, those MoU on the dress code which we came up with, to make sure that there is this common understanding between the Catholics and sheiks in Mangochi.”

In his speech during the Independence Day celebration on July 6 2022, Stima alleged that some sheikhs preach messages aimed at pulling down the government.

He said Malawians need to pray for their leaders and questioned some sermons delivered in churches, saying some are aimed at annoying people instead of giving them hope.

In recent years, there have been tensions between Muslim and Christian faiths, including on the dress code in some Christian schools that barred Muslim children from wearing their gear, especially hijab for girls. However, the two parties resolved the issue guided by the Ministry of Education.

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