National News

Police learn new land laws

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 Minister of Lands Deus Gumba has emphasised the importance of collaboration between the ministry and the Malawi Police Service in implementing new land laws and the land information management System (Lims).

He said this on Monday in Mponela, Dowa during a sensitisation meeting for Central East Region Police officers on the amended land laws and Lims.

Gumba said police play a crucial role in ensuring the implementation of government’s policies and laws.

He stressed the need to orient officers on the new amendments and the introduction of the digital land management platform, saying the initiative will help to implement the laws and the Lims.

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the laws

Said Gumba: “Land remains a vital factor of production in the country; hence, it is the base of any meaningful socio-economic development activities in all aspects.

“My ministry realises that if not well executed, land matters may breed chaos, public disorder and a disintegrated customary laws and administrative system.”

He also said the Lims is expected to enhance transparency and accountability in land administration as all data will be digital.

Principal Secretary for lands Devie Chilonga said the engagement provided the ministry an opportunity to update the police on the implementation of the 2016 Land Laws.

“The ministry has been piloting implementation of the 2016 Land Laws as amended in 2022 under key land-based development projects,” he said.

Central East Region Commissioner of Police Rhoda Manjolo said police are committed to ensuring that land-related matters are handled using relevant laws.

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