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Press Trust donates to MFR

As days are inching towards this year’s Mother’s Fun Run (MFR) main event, Press Trust on Friday donated K10 million towards the initiative.

MFR is an annual event organised by Nation Publications Ltd (NPL) through which the company raises funds to be channelled towards a district hospital of choice and adress issues affecting maternal health service delivery.

Ngalamira making a symbolic presentation of the donation to NPL board member, Krishna Achuthan

This year the MFR funds are going to be donated to Chitipa District Hospital and Mulanje District Hospital. Press Trust chief executive officer, Gibson Ngalamila, has since said that their donation is going to be specifically for Mulanje District Hospital.

Said Ngalamila, “We have decided to commit this year’s donation towards Mulanje Hospital because we are already implementing a project in Chitipa where we are upgrading Nthalire Health Center to a fully-fledged hospital so committing this donation there would have been a duplication of efforts.”

Press Trust has been supporting the MFR since its inception 13 years ago.

NPL board member, Krishna Achuthan in his acceptance statement after a cheque presentation ceremony expressed gratitude towards the relationship between Press Trust and MFR.

He also said that being someone who has walked the breadth and length of the country, he can attest to high levels of needs in the health sector which call for concerted efforts from all stakeholders to adress them.

He said: “We know that government alone may not address the health sector challenges, there is need for all of us to join hands and address these challenges. Not only companies but also individuals can make a difference in this area.”

According to Achuthan there is no way people can talk about effective health sector and effective MFR without mentioning the Press Trust since the Trust has been instrumental in reaching out to the areas of need in the health sector.

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