Project helps return 16 girls in school
Her Future Her Choice Project has helped 16 girls in traditional authorities (T/As) Amidu and Kalembo in Balaka to return to school.
The project which is running in 30 schools and among non-school going children in surrounding villages, has identified early pregnancies, child marriages and poverty as the reasons why girls drop out of school.
Speaking in an interview on Wednesday after touring the two T/As, Centre for Alternatives for Victimized Women and Children (Cavwoc) project officer for Her Future Her Choice in Balaka, Khumbolane Nyirenda, said the project has helped to reduce school dropouts, teen pregnancies, child marriages and cases of gender-based violence in the areas.

She said people did not understand the school readmission concept and girls were not given a chance to return to school after giving birth.
“Most of the girls were getting pregnant at a tender age but we have registered behavioural change, they are now able to demand SRHS [sexual reproductive health services],” said Nyirenda.
Balaka registered 67 percent school dropout rate in 2019 but now the rate is at 36 percent. The district has also registered a drop in teen pregnancies from 38 to 32 percent, according to Balaka District Health Office records.
On her part, group village head Kuntiani said chiefs have by-laws which deal with harmful cultural practices such as kusasafumbi (sexual cleansing).
“We no longer promote these practices here. Regarding child marriage, we demand national registration cards from the couple before we give them a go-ahead,” she said.
Kuntiani said parents who allow their children to get married before the legal age are summoned and ordered to pay a fine of two goats.
Her Future Her Choice Project is funded by Global Affairs-Canada and implemented by Oxfam Malawi in partnership with Cavwoc and Family Planning Association of Malawi.