Project to promote food security
Least Developed Countries (LDC) Group on Climate Change has launched an initiative to support different farming activities to cope with effects of climate change in Salima District.
The Initiative for Effective Adaptation and Resilience (Life-AR) is geared to empower communities to be self-driven despite adverse climate change effects they are facing.
Speaking on Friday after touring two sites earmarked to benefit from the initiative in Salima, Ministry of Natural Resources and Climate Change environmental officer Yamikani Idriss said they will use the initiative to empower people to attain food security.
He said: “We believe the funding will benefit local communities to boost their faming activities.
“Farming families will become self-reliant regardless of challenges caused by climate change.”
Idriss said the initiative, which is sponsored by the United Kingdom (UK), United States of America and Ireland, follows Government of Malawi’s intervention to cope up with climate change effects being experienced in the country.
United Kingdom-based Department of Adaptation, Nature and Resilience head Gerald Howe said they were ready support farmers to deal with problems of climate change.
One of the beneficiaries, Kamwendo Asidi of Mafuka Irrigation Scheme in the district, said the initiative will help them cultivate different crops throughout the year.
The initiative will support Mafuka Irrigation Scheme under Chipoka Extension Planning Area (EPA) and introduce another irrigation site in Chifuchambewa under Khombedza EPA before expanding to other areas in the district.
The initiative is implemented in Salima, Rumphi and Mangochi districts.