Mother's Fun Run

Rab Processors donates towards MFR

Rabs Processors has contributed items valued at MK300,000 to the Mothers’ Fun Run initiative, including 30 cases of water and 10 cases of Thumbs Up. The donation was made yesterday as part of the company’s commitment to supporting community-driven causes.

The Mothers’ Fun Run, organized by Nation Publications Limited (NPL), is a charity event aimed at promoting maternal health in Malawi. The initiative raises funds to enhance healthcare facilities and services for mothers and babies, ultimately contributing to better health outcomes across the country.

During the handover ceremony, Rabs Processors’ Communications Manager, Andrew Lulker, expressed the company’s dedication to giving back to its customers.

“This is something we highly value because most of our customers are mothers, and we deeply appreciate what Nation Publications is doing,” he said.

Gift Sibale, the Advertising Sales Manager at Nation Publications Limited, thanked Rabs Processors for their generous contribution to this year’s Mothers’ Fun Run, scheduled for October 5th.

She said: “We are grateful for the support, and it will make a significant impact on the event,”

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