National News

Red Cross gives K19m aidt to Muslims in Nkhotakota

Malawi Red Cross Society has donated relief aid worth K19 million to Muslims affected by flash floods in February this year in Senior Chief Kanyenda in Nkhotakota District.

Speaking at Dwangwa Masjid on Wednesday, Red Cross head of disaster management Patrick Duncan Phiri said they timed the support with this year’s Eid Al-Adha celebration.

He said his organisation has committed to continue providing support to floods  survivors, including Muslims.

Phiri hands over some of the items

Said Phiri: “In February this year, the district was affected by floods. It was the same Muslim community that was affected and we came here with support from other partners to celebrate as well as console them.”

According to a report from the Department of Disaster Management Affairs, thousands of people were affected while others were displaced and  eight lives were lost.”

Beneficiary Abdul Razack Makawa, described the support which coincided with  the celebration as timely.

With financial support from the Kuwait Red Cross Society, over 290 Muslim households received five kilogramme of maize flour each for the celebration.

Eid al-Adha, commonly translated as the Feast of Sacrifice and also known as Yawm an-Nahr in Arabic, is the second of the two main Islamic festivities alongside Eid al-Fitr.  

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