
The fuel crisis and you

The fuel crisis and you

So he is finally touching on fuel this week. This is the all relevant topic these days and I was…
Why your neighbour is richer than you

Why your neighbour is richer than you

Two months ago, I came across an admirable review of the often-lauded personal finance book ‘The Millionaire Next Door’. First…
You’ve allowed money to override love!

You’ve allowed money to override love!

Last week, a cousin of mine visited me from Germany. We used to be very close before he left the…
Living like you were dying this year

Living like you were dying this year

This week, my mother (amama) and mother-in-law (ama) were both home. It was perhaps one of the best times of…
Young, rich and God-fearing

Young, rich and God-fearing

Last Saturday, as my parents taught me, I went to church and my pastor unleashed yet one of his great…
Best investment for your child

Best investment for your child

Last week, I received persistent calls from an insurance agent coaxing me to buy some insurance product. Before I could…
Providing free, innovative toys for your child

Providing free, innovative toys for your child

When our first son was born, my wife and I were so excited. Not to mention the expensive clothes for…
Driving too fast or too slow?

Driving too fast or too slow?

The last but one week-end, my wife and I drove to Mzuzu to condole a best family friend who had…
The power of pocket change money

The power of pocket change money

My six-year-old son has been collecting coins over the months and the other day I was surprised to see his…
On your marks, get ready, go!

On your marks, get ready, go!

The hardest part about changing your spending habits is simply getting started. You see, it’s interesting to observe how one…
Protecting yourself after losing wallet

Protecting yourself after losing wallet

I have a mentor whose trademark was carrying a very big wallet in his trousers’ back pocket. The wallet was…
Hitting the target

Hitting the target

Last Friday was my son’s birthday. I made sure that I spent the afternoon home playing games with him on…
Don’t be too hard on yourself!

Don’t be too hard on yourself!

A couple of years ago, Nancy and I had put aside some savings so we could go to the lake…
Working for yourself or others: Part II

Working for yourself or others: Part II

A couple of weeks ago when this topic was introduced, we looked at one factor you need to consider when…
Making money through charity

Making money through charity

Some time back in 2006, when I started this column, I had the privilege of seeing the purse of one…
Working for yourself or 7:30am to 5:00pm for others?

Working for yourself or 7:30am to 5:00pm for others?

You have worked for this organisation for a number of years and this question constantly comes to mind: Which is…
Beware of advisors preaching doom

Beware of advisors preaching doom

The other day, while strolling around a bookstore at Oliver Tambo Airport in Johannesburg, I tumbled across a personal finance…
Facing your finance fears

Facing your finance fears

Even though I write a lot about personal finance here and elsewhere, I still have a lot of my own…
Behold the lucky Pension generation

Behold the lucky Pension generation

Last week, I had three missed calls from my dad. Knowing him very well, I knew something was up and…
When parents train children to be poor

When parents train children to be poor

Just yesterday, I tumbled across a very interesting read. Some American I have admired so much for his personal finance…
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